Another CPR Hero in Sports: Basketball Player Helps Save Ref's Life

Recent events within the athletic world (see our Christian Eriksen blog) have reinforced the need for awareness and action for layperson emergency assessment and CPR skills. Near the end of the first quarter of a playoff basketball game in New York, referee John Sculli passed out on the court and was unresponsive (1). In the time of need, athlete Myles Copeland, also an off duty firefighter, stepped into action, immediately assessing the ref’s vitals and breathing, then performing chest compressions(1). Copeland’s immediate response helped save Sculli’s life.

During his interview with ESPN, Copeland mentioned "But with being a firefighter, when you're off the job, you're really not off the job. You still got to keep an eye out for the community and what's going on around you."

Copeland’s training as a firefighter undoubtedly prepared him to take action but not everyone needs to be a medic, firefighter, nurse or doctor to save lives.  One way to learn how to react to cardiac emergencies like Copeland did is through training in CPR, AED and First Aid, along with building the hands-on chest compression skills. 

At ResusciTech, we are committed to delivering this life-saving training and enabling the skills for anyone, anywhere, anytime, in 90 minutes or less.  Our course is free, with the option to purchase a certificate upon completion. Click here to learn more.


Collier, J. (2022). Hero's moment: Hoops player helps save ref's life. Retrieved 16 June 2022, from

Ashmitha Narayanan