The History of CPR

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a term that people often hear in various settings these days. But would you believe that the concept of resuscitation has dramatically evolved over centuries dating back to the 1500s (1)? Here is a complete display of the timeline that the American Heart Association has researched and marked as a few of the major lifesaving events.

Fast forward to 2022 in a world that is currently battling a pandemic. It's hard to learn and practice CPR without being able to attend classes. SMART Certification addresses that issue by providing a smart for an application that allows people to learn and practice CPR at the comfort of their homes without risking their safety. CPR is a valuable skill that has evolved drastically over the past couple centuries and has become one of the most important skills to have during this pandemic. People that are working in professions outside of the medical industry have also seen the need to be aware and informed about CPR. Earn your certification today, and join the world in adding and spreading the knowledge and history of CPR.

Ashmitha Narayanan